
Pushback on the IBR at Oregon Legislature public hearing

“The most fiscally irresponsible legislation I have seen before an Oregon legislative committee.” No Tolls staff The Oregon legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation held its first public hearing of the 2023 legislative session on Thursday evening, April 27th. The 12 member committee said the purpose of the hearing was to listen regarding the various proposals...

Lawmakers Demand Two-Year Pause on Tolling I-205

A bipartisan rebellion is breaking out along the highway as affected communities feel unheard. By Nigel Jaquiss — Willamette Week April 27, 2023 By Nigel Jaquiss April 27, 2023 at 11:44 am PDT On the eve of a much-anticipated public hearing on the controversial $6.5 billion Interstate Bridge replacement project, three Clackamas County lawmakers have introduced...

Interstate Bridge Replacement and Highway Tolls Move Front and Center in Salem

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation will finally take public testimony on House Bill 2098 By Nigel Jaquiss April 25, 2023 — Willamette Week Although the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation is grappling with whether and how to fund two megaprojects on Interstate 5 in Portland (the proposed $1.45 billion expansion of the freeway at the Rose Quarter...

Citizens ask for No TOLLS on Interstate Bridge

Dean Suhr and John Ley ask Washington House Transportation Committee to reject Tolling on Interstate Bridge The Washington House Transportation Committee met Thursday, April 12, holding a hearing on SB 5765. The bill would authorize WSDOT and the Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) to begin the process of implementing tolling on the Interstate Bridge. Two...

IP-4 remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling

Opinion: Initiative remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling By Scott Hays, March 23, 2023 (Canby Herald) Recent opinion author Elvis Clark’s suggestion that Senate Bill 933 is doomed to failure, either because it will not pass in the Oregon Legislature or will be vetoed by the governor, is a prime example of a...

Tolls will make Oregonians worse off

ODOT estimates the average household will pay $575 a year just for its first phase of tolls By Eric Fruits — March 15, 2023 (Portland Tribune) In about 18 months, Portland-area drivers will be paying the first of many tolls if the Oregon Department of Transportation has its way. By the end of 2024, ODOT...

ODOT Says Households Will Pay $575 a Year in Its First Round of Tolls

By Eric Fruits, Ph.D. Feb 22, 2023 (Cascade Policy Institute) This next week is going to be a big week for Oregon’s off-the-rails tolling projects. On Tuesday, the feds released their “Environmental Assessment” for the I-205 tolls. On Friday, a statewide toll advisory committee is meeting. Next Monday, a regional toll advisory committee is meeting.   In the Environment...

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