
There’s Still Time to Take the Off-Ramp

Reducing Congestion and Funding Construction Can’t Be Achieved With Tolling From The Political Center at PacWest Lobby Full disclosure: The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is not to blame for all its fiscal problems. The legislature is primarily responsible as the dealer that got the agency addicted to bonded indebtedness. As chairman of the Senate...

Funding the Unfundable?

With looming debt and limited income are the OTC and ODOT willing to lose tolling? By TUALATIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APR 10, 2023 In Short Article 1 – The Oregon and Washington Legislators are currently working on a tolling agreement for the I-5 Bridge… and approval is eminent. This agreement enables them to agree upon...

APRIL 21 – LAST Day to Voice Your Tolling Opinion

Time To Sound Off On ODOT’s Tolling Proposal Cascade Policy Institute In about 18 months, Portland-area drivers will be paying the first of many tolls if the Oregon Department of Transportation has its way. By the end of 2024, ODOT plans to toll both the Abernethy Bridge and the Tualatin River Bridges on I-205. Tolls...

Citizens ask for No TOLLS on Interstate Bridge

Dean Suhr and John Ley ask Washington House Transportation Committee to reject Tolling on Interstate Bridge The Washington House Transportation Committee met Thursday, April 12, holding a hearing on SB 5765. The bill would authorize WSDOT and the Washington State Transportation Commission (WSTC) to begin the process of implementing tolling on the Interstate Bridge. Two...


NEW GAS TAX, TOLLING, AUTO FEE FOR $7B BRIDGE Monday March 27, 2023 By Taxpayers Association of Oregon The Oregonian reports on the Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee draft budget to replace Oregon’s Interstate 5  Bridge over the Columbia River,  “The plan proposes bonding against $700 million of state highway user tax revenue from the Oregon Department...

IP-4 remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling

Opinion: Initiative remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling By Scott Hays, March 23, 2023 (Canby Herald) Recent opinion author Elvis Clark’s suggestion that Senate Bill 933 is doomed to failure, either because it will not pass in the Oregon Legislature or will be vetoed by the governor, is a prime example of a...

Tolls will make Oregonians worse off

ODOT estimates the average household will pay $575 a year just for its first phase of tolls By Eric Fruits — March 15, 2023 (Portland Tribune) In about 18 months, Portland-area drivers will be paying the first of many tolls if the Oregon Department of Transportation has its way. By the end of 2024, ODOT...

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