
Lawmakers Demand Two-Year Pause on Tolling I-205

A bipartisan rebellion is breaking out along the highway as affected communities feel unheard. By Nigel Jaquiss — Willamette Week April 27, 2023 By Nigel Jaquiss April 27, 2023 at 11:44 am PDT On the eve of a much-anticipated public hearing on the controversial $6.5 billion Interstate Bridge replacement project, three Clackamas County lawmakers have introduced...

Interstate Bridge Replacement and Highway Tolls Move Front and Center in Salem

The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation will finally take public testimony on House Bill 2098 By Nigel Jaquiss April 25, 2023 — Willamette Week Although the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation is grappling with whether and how to fund two megaprojects on Interstate 5 in Portland (the proposed $1.45 billion expansion of the freeway at the Rose Quarter...

There’s Still Time to Take the Off-Ramp

Reducing Congestion and Funding Construction Can’t Be Achieved With Tolling From The Political Center at PacWest Lobby Full disclosure: The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is not to blame for all its fiscal problems. The legislature is primarily responsible as the dealer that got the agency addicted to bonded indebtedness. As chairman of the Senate...

Funding the Unfundable?

With looming debt and limited income are the OTC and ODOT willing to lose tolling? By TUALATIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APR 10, 2023 In Short Article 1 – The Oregon and Washington Legislators are currently working on a tolling agreement for the I-5 Bridge… and approval is eminent. This agreement enables them to agree upon...


NEW GAS TAX, TOLLING, AUTO FEE FOR $7B BRIDGE Monday March 27, 2023 By Taxpayers Association of Oregon The Oregonian reports on the Legislature’s Joint Transportation Committee draft budget to replace Oregon’s Interstate 5  Bridge over the Columbia River,  “The plan proposes bonding against $700 million of state highway user tax revenue from the Oregon Department...

IP-4 remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling

Opinion: Initiative remains fallback option for stopping Interstate 205 tolling By Scott Hays, March 23, 2023 (Canby Herald) Recent opinion author Elvis Clark’s suggestion that Senate Bill 933 is doomed to failure, either because it will not pass in the Oregon Legislature or will be vetoed by the governor, is a prime example of a...


Saturday March 4, 2023 — Oregon Catalyst By Oregon State Senator Dan Bonham, Tolls are imminent in Oregon as two new tolls are planned for I-205 early next year. I am a Chief Sponsor of a bipartisan bill to prevent tolls on I-205 and I-5. Here is one of the many recent articles about it. In the case of the coming...

New bill would put a stop to tolls on I-205 and I-5 beyond Columbia bridges

ODOT is moving forward with tolls on Portland-area interstates, but a new bill would limit tolls to the I-5 Columbia River crossing. By: Pat Dooris, Jamie Parfitt (KGW TV) Published: March 2, 2023 SALEM, Ore. — Despite growing resistance, the Oregon Department of Transportation has been moving inexorably forward with new tolls for I-205 and I-5 around...

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